Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Thermal shock on the way up after way too many efforts to make this piece work. Argh!

Proposed repair....


Blogger Brenda Griffith said...

I love the piece and definintely wouldn't chuck it. The worst thing about doing a repair is that you lose the layering in the area you repair: everything is cut off in the same place right through all the overlappings so it stands out more. Grumble, grumble, grumble.

11:37 AM  
Blogger Barbara Muth said...

I think I may have solved that problem, the fact that the break was curved helped. And that eventually I go for a full fuse. I put it on a 24hr schedule, creeping up at 50 dph to a new tack fuse, then once everything's in place I'll flip it over, slowly slump the front flat and then ramp up to a nice long full fuse. Shouldn't lose my lines too much that way. And if I hate it, I'll assemble a new one, not the end of the world!

10:30 PM  

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