Catching up on life
Ended the afternoon in a visit to my physiatrist, the MD on my solve-the-back-pain team. I am working hard with two PT sessions weekly, usually two hours each, and a torturous deep tissue massage once a week that usually reduces me to tears at least once. My miracle workers have me so flexible that for the first time in my life, ever, I can bend down with straight knees and touch the floor. And it's more than fingertips grazing the floor. But I still hurt most of the time and the pain exhausts me. It doesn't help my depression (that I can't always shake off even with the drugs). A few nights ago I went to bed in tears, inconsolable I was hurting so much. Today is a little better, not much. So what did the good doctor do when she saw me today? We tried a trigger point injection last month, it was supposed to help my muscles in the thoracic spine area relax. This month she decided we would try for a more agressive solution. So she will do a stereotaxic (to help her locate the exact spot) injection of BOTOX! Who knew that slightly paralyzing the muscle would help it to relax and learn how to behave? Oh I hope this works.... More on this after we do it.
Chronic illness is a bitch. When I was struggling with adult onset asthma years ago (from the "sick building" I worked in) I began to see how difficult it is to negotiate the medical system without an advoacte, how depressing it can be to not get solutions that work, to be treated like a moron by physicians who think I can't understand the statistics reported in the PDR because I don't have the allmighty MD after my name. I learned a lot about the importance of working with physicians who are good communicators and the perils of dealing with HMO physicians. (I was once diagnosed with a brain tumor over the phone by a doctor I had never met because he refused to believe that the dizziness I was experiencing could be caused by the drug his colleague had prescribed. And didn't suggest I come in to get it checked out!)
Now I deal with something different. The demon my friend with RA has been battling for fifteen years has come to stay in my house - chronic pain. I now understand why she has days when she has no energy for getting out of bed. I am going to continue to work on this -- my goal is to boot that stinker out of my house and return to being the cheerful playful woman poor Bruce married nearly eight years ago.
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